
A story about gangster cats living in 1920s St. Louis

Now, this has been around since like the mid-2000s, looong before any other indie project has been started. However, it was started off as a webcomic that had a unique art style similar to Walt Disney mixed with sepia-toned that resembled photos of the 1920s. Recently, the comic is fully colored with some shades of the color blue.

The webcomic stars the eccentric Rocky Rickaby and shy yet violent Calvin "Freckle" McMurray along with Ivy Pepper, as they smuggle alcohol to the struggling speakeasy known as the Lackadaisy. They also face the rival gang, the Marigold, featuring Mordecai Heller and the Savoy siblings, Nicodeme and Serafine.

During my later high school years, I would read this webcomic on and off but one day during the pandemic I would hear the announcement that Tracy Butler started a Kickstarter campaign to make a short film based on the comic. Three years past and it premiered in the Spring. The film would also serve as the pilot to an upcoming animated series based on Lackadaisy. As someone who is interested in the 1920s and is currently working on a project with that aesthetic, I look forward to seeing the premiere of the first season! ^^

You can watch the pilot here!